Ever since I was a wee-little girl, my parents would take my sister and me to the Carolinas. Whether they realized it at the time or not, this once-a-year trip caused an obsession in my heart that I refer to as the "Paradise Sickness". I can't get enough of that hot, sunny, tropical weather. That ocean scent. That feeling of contentment, adventure, magic... Well, you get my point. I love the beach.
Longer ago than I can remember, we started vacationing specifically in Ocean Isle, at The Winds. It was a quirky resort with tacky decor, a creaking boardwalk, and nothing but good memories. It sat on a slowly eroding beach front property which was frequented by hurricanes in the summer. We loved it there. So, upon moving back to the East Coast, I thought what could be more fun than sharing this second home to my husband? Then he could finally understand how the Paradise Sickness came to be.
Well, we took a road trip there last week, and there were too many photos to share. I uploaded them to an album that you can view HERE. Cool! Hope you have fun looking at our summer adventure :)