Where to start? Too much has happened in the last month or so, it’s hard to keep track. I’m just going to lump it all together in a nice, sloppy snowball and throw it right at you.
Seth was offered, and accepted, the sales manager position at Nitro. It just so happens that this snowboard co’s US base is in the same area we grew up in. Therefore, as I type, we are making the UHaul drive from coast to coast, headed back to VT. The time in the car has been filled with daydreams, howling sessions, Louie always on the lookout for “big dogs” (aka horses, deer, cows, etc), and some mild cases of mistaken identity: “Look at the turkey on the hill!... oh wait, that’s a bald eagle.” “Look at the furry sheep, I just want to hug them!” “Taylor, those are cows.” “Oh…”
I feel sad to know Seattle is so far away, but the memories and friendships are valuable, and Vermont holds all new possibilities that I look forward to exploring. High-fives to new adventures!!